Donations to Sporting Bodies and Tax

Where an individual who pays tax under the PAYE system makes a qualifying donation to an approved sports body they can claim tax relief by way of a deduction from total income. The approved sports body must promote an athletic or amateur game or sport, must be an approved sports bodies listing on the Revenue website and must hold an up-to-date tax clearance certificate.

A donation will qualify under this tax relief if it is:

  • a payment, in the form of money, of at least €250

  • for the sole purpose of funding an approved project

  • not otherwise deductible by a self-assessed individual in calculating their trade profits

  • not otherwise deductible by a company as an expense in calculating their profits

  • not a qualifying donation under the Charitable Donation Scheme

  • not repayable

As a donor, you must also not receive any benefit, either directly or indirectly, from making the donation and not be connected to the sports body.

The donor must:

  • be resident in the State for the year in which you make the donation

  • have given an appropriate certificate to the approved sports body you are donating to

  • have paid the tax referred to in the appropriate certificate

  • not claim a repayment of that tax

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